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Fat Freezing Machine Cryolipolysis Double Chin

Wrok handles: 6s different sizes handpieces
functions: weight loss and body slimming
Advantages: Four handles work at the same time
Machine Power: 1600W
Output pressure: 0-100KPa
default wroking time: 0-60mins
  • ETG50-9S

  • Hcbeautytech

Fat Freezing Machine Cryolipolysis Double Chin: A Non-Invasive Solution

Fat Freezing Machine Cryolipolysis Double Chin

Cryolipolysis is a medical procedure that uses controlled cooling to eliminate fat cells. The process is safe and effective, and it is used to treat a variety of areas on the body, including the chin. The fat freezing machine works by applying an applicator to the area where the fat cells are located. The cooling process then freezes the fat cells, causing them to die and be naturally eliminated by the body.

Fat Freezing Machine Cryolipolysis Double Chin

Used on various areas of the body, including the abdomen, thighs, arms, and love handles. The treatment is ideal for individuals who are close to their ideal weight but struggle with localized fat deposits. It is not a weight loss solution but rather a body contouring treatment.


1. Double chin removal

2. Fat freeze fat reducing

3. Fat reduce, loss weight, Body Slimming
4. Soften hard fat tissue, break up lipocyte
5. Strengthen and tighten skin, Body Shaping
6. Body Shaping: tighten the loose-skin of arm, waist, abdomen, and leg and pregnancy line.

Cryolipolysis machine handle treat:

Big handle: treat area---for belly, back, buttock etc.

Middle handle: treat area--- for waist, thigh, etc

Small handle treat area---for thigh, arm, crus etc.

Fat Freezing Machine Cryolipolysis Double Chin

Fat Freezing Machine Cryolipolysis Double Chin

The benefits of using a fat freezing machine for double chin reduction are numerous. First and foremost, it is a non-invasive procedure, which means that there is no surgery involved. This means that there is no need for anesthesia, incisions, or stitches. Secondly, the procedure is relatively quick and painless, and patients can return to their normal activities immediately after the treatment.

Fat Freezing Machine Cryolipolysis Double Chin

Fat Freezing Machine Cryolipolysis Double Chin

The advantages of our cryolipolysis machine as below:

Cryolipolysis machine has reheating function, green LED and red LED, and the tailor made antifreeze membranes, all of these will help the clients avoid frostbit during treatment.

Cryolipolysis machine with integrated technology double cryolipolysis under vacuum, two cryolipolysis work heads working at same tine and vigorous suction system help such the treatment area well can short the treatment time.
Easy to operate
Thorough temperature control
Treatment time setting
Automatic and manual functions
Precise control of vacuum

Fat Freezing Machine Cryolipolysis Double Chin

body sculpting Machine for Sale Canada

Technology advantages:

-Most advanced cryo fat reduction technology

-3cm-5cm fat reduction with one treatment

-Equipped with 5 cryo working handles

-Four handles work at the same time

Fat Freezing Machine Cryolipolysis Double Chin

Step 1: The 360-degree freezer cup will target the fat cells and cool them down to temperature, triggering apoptosis of the fat cells.
Step 2: No harm to nerves or other tissues, because lipids in fat crystallize at higher temperatures than water in other cell types.
Step 3: Allowing the treatment, the fat cells enter the apoptotic death sequence and are gradually cleared by the immune system over the next few weeks and months.
Step 4: The thickness of the fat layer is reduced significantly.
