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Fat Freezing Machine Cellulite Reduction

Wrok handles: 6s different sizes handpieces
functions: weight loss and body slimming
Advantages: Four handles work at the same time
Machine Power: 1600W
Output pressure: 0-100KPa
default wroking time: 0-60mins
  • ETG50-9S

  • Hcbeautytech

Fat Freezing Machine Cellulite Reduction

A fat freezing machine, also known as cryolipolysis, is a device that uses controlled cooling to freeze and eliminate fat cells. The process involves placing a special applicator on the skin that suctions the targeted area and cools it to a temperature that freezes the fat cells. The frozen fat cells are then naturally eliminated from the body over time.

Fat Freezing Machine Cellulite Reduction

Fat freezing machine is suitable for treating various areas of the body, including the abdomen, thighs, arms, and chin. It is also effective in reducing the appearance of cellulite on the buttocks.

Fat Freezing Machine Cellulite Reduction

Fat Freezing Machine Cellulite Reduction

Fat Freezing Machine Cellulite Reduction

Fat Freezing Machine Cellulite Reduction

Fat Freezing Machine Cryolipolysis Double Chin

body sculpting Machine for Sale Canada

Technology advantages:

-Most advanced cryo fat reduction technology

-3cm-5cm fat reduction with one treatment

-Equipped with 6 cryo working handles

-Four handles work at the same time

Fat Freezing Machine Cryolipolysis Double Chin

Step 1: The 360-degree freezer cup will target the fat cells and cool them down to temperature, triggering apoptosis of the fat cells.
Step 2: No harm to nerves or other tissues, because lipids in fat crystallize at higher temperatures than water in other cell types.
Step 3: Allowing the treatment, the fat cells enter the apoptotic death sequence and are gradually cleared by the immune system over the next few weeks and months.
Step 4: The thickness of the fat layer is reduced significantly.
