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10d Slimming Laser Fat Removal Machine

Function: body slimming, weight loss, fat removal
Number of diode: 10pcs
Wavelength of diode: 532nm
Maximum reach of laser head: 110cm
Power: 120wng
Service: OEM/ODM
  • LS659

  • Hcbeautytech

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10d Slimming Laser Fat Removal Machine is a non-invasive, low-level laser therapy device that claims to help remove fat cells and contour the body. It uses red and blue laser light to penetrate the skin and target fat cells, causing them to release their contents and shrink in size.

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During the treatment, the machine emits laser energy through a handpiece that is placed on the targeted area of the body. The energy penetrates the skin and heats up the fat cells, causing them to break down and be eliminated by the body's natural processes over time.

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The 10d Slimming Laser Fat Removal Machine is designed for use in a professional setting, such as a spa or clinic, and requires multiple sessions to achieve optimal results.
