quick relief from shoulder pain

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Extracorporeal Magnetotransduction Therapy quick relief from shoulder pain | frozen shoulder and other pain biu biu ~

⭐️What is Extracorporeal Magnetotransduction Therapy?

Extracorporeal Magnetotransduction Therapy for regeneration and rehabilitation of musculoskeletal disorders

Extracorporeal Magnetotransduction Therapy with the Magetic therapy opens up new possibilities in regeneration and rehabilitation. The areas of application include diseases of the musculoskeletal system such as lower back pain and tendinopathies of the rotator cuff or achilles tendon.

EMTT differs from general forms of magnetic field therapy or PEMF due to the high oscillation frequency of 100 – 300 kHz. This property enables a high penetration depth (18 cm) and a large range of indications.

⭐️What are the benefits of Extracorporeal Magnetotransduction Therapy?

- Increases blood flow and stimulates the formation of new blood vessels

- Pro-inflammatory role in "rebooting" the healing process in chronic diseases

- Stimulates tenocyte proliferation, promotes tendon regeneration and remodeling

- Break down tendon calcification

- Relieve tenderness points

- Relieve muscle hypertonia and spasms

- pain relief

⭐️Shockwave therapy is suitable for:

- Tendinopathy (tennis elbow, hamstrings, Achilles tendon, patella, rotator cuff)

- Frozen shoulder

- Plantar fasciitis

- Heel spurs

- Chronic pain (neck, lower back, acupuncture, shin splints)

- Carpal tunnel syndrome

⭐️What are the advantages of shock wave therapy?

- Short time (thousands of shock waves in minutes)

- Non-invasive

- See results in just 1-5 times

- Alternative analgesia

Does anyone want to feel the relaxation and joy after the Extracorporeal Magnetotransduction Therapy biu biu biu~? Come private message now!  Miss Sister will answer your questions seriously! |

quick relief from shoulder pain